Welcome to a new school year at McGaugh! As your PTA, we are excited to continue our mission of making our school a fun, supportive and enriching environment for all our students. Last year, thanks to your incredible support, we were able to achieve so much together.

We provided a school gift that gave a $100 per teacher for classroom materials, added Wellness Space supplies and materials, as well as paid for staffing during lunch and recess for last year and this coming year, sponsored all the books for the vending machine, funded an extra intervention teacher to support students in need of additional help, particularly in math. We also enhanced our school’s facilities by replacing the shade structures, provided sound system equipment, and installed two memorials including a reading garden and a sea lion climbing structure. These are just a few highlights of what we accomplished, all on top of our ongoing commitment to supporting field trips, engaging activities, and inspiring assemblies.

As we look ahead, we have even more exciting plans for this year, and we can’t do it without your continued support. Whether large or small, every bit of involvement makes a difference. PTA membership does not require a commitment to volunteer, but if you choose to get involved, we would love to have you. Whether it’s attending PTA meetings, helping at events, or volunteering for just one activity, your contribution of time or funds can have a big impact. Together, we can make this school year extraordinary for our children.

Review our volunteer opportunities - Volunteer Opportunities
Joint PTA and help us make a difference this year! - Join PTA
Sign the PTA Waiver – required to participate in PTA events - PTA Waiver
Yours in partnership,
Sherry Beck
PTA President